Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Perception of Listening Essay - 1959 Words

The Perception of Listening Listen up! Are people really listening? What is listening and why is it important? This paper will address the viewpoint of listening skills and its outcome. Listening is an essential tool, which is one of the constructive aspects in the communication process, for communicating with other people. To listen well is a talent that is learned. However, for people to listen effectively, they would need to practice to obtain the skill. †As with any new skill, learning to listen takes effort, attention, and practice† (Stewart, 2006, p. 202).Listening skills allow people to make sense of and understand what another person is saying. In other words, listening skills allow people to identify with the meaning of what†¦show more content†¦Although developing listening skills is a matter of choice, it is imperative everyone accomplish effective listening habits to avoid misunderstanding in all relationships. The first aspect of listening is to learn how to listen effectively. In today’s society, communicating appropriately has everything to do with listening effectively. Learning to be a good listener will help improve all relationships both professionally and personally. If people do not know how to listen well, they can easily be distracted and their mind will start to wander. Since listening plays an essential role in the communication process, developing listening skills are important because they will help interpret what the speaker is saying during feedback. In other words, the listener should be able to respond to what the speaker talked about for clarification purposes. There are three types of listening strategies that would be beneficial to ensure effective communication with other people. Hybels and Weaver (2007) state that â€Å"active listening, critical listening, and empathic listening are three different tactics that can be used in diverse situations† (p. 92). For instance, critical listeners focal point is to listen with determination and an open mind. They need to recognize and expect to learn something new from the speaker and ask questions about their viewpoints, such as an election. Critical listeners analyze the statement ofShow MoreRelatedThe Perception of Listening1162 Words   |  5 PagesThe Perception of Listening Listen up! Are you really listening? What is listening and why is it important? This paper will address the viewpoint of listening skills and its outcome. Listening is an essential tool, which is one of the constructive aspects in the communication process, for communicating with other people. To listen well is a talent that is learned. However, for people to listen effectively, they would need to practice to obtain the skill. †As with any new skill, learning to listenRead MoreThe Perception of Listening Essay1756 Words   |  8 PagesThe Perception of Listening Listen up! Are you really listening? What is Listening and why is it important? This paper will address the viewpoint of listening skills and its outcome. Listening is an essential tool, which is one of the constructive aspects in the communication process, for communicating with other people. To listen well is a talent that is learned. However, for people to listen effectively, they would need to practice to obtain the skill. †As with any new skill, learning to listenRead MoreThe Perception of Listening Essay1135 Words   |  5 PagesThe Perception of Listening Listen up! Are you really listening? What is listening and why is it important? This paper will address the viewpoint of listening skills and its outcome. Listening is an essential tool, which is one of the constructive aspects in the communication process, for communicating with other people. To listen well is a talent that is learned. 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