Monday, August 24, 2020

Week 6 post class 6310 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week 6 post class 6310 - Assignment Example Having had past involvement in a remote medical caretaker who didn't fit the prerequisites required is sufficient defense to take alert and act the manner in which you are proposing to take and I would likewise settle on similar decisions and choices (Billings and Halstead, 2012). I concur with your proposals about the significance of the medical attendant being socially touchy and particularly so on the grounds that the Asian may disapprove when the medical attendant recommends a difference in diet. Since the Asian has likewise high scholastic accomplishments more than the medical caretaker, it might be better if the attendant adopts a smoother strategy with a delicate tone and not a self-assured one that can be taken as an offense (Bradshaw, 2011). The methodology you propose of following the code of moral lead for enlistment of remote taught wellbeing experts to the United States is extremely respectable and one of a kind one. This activity will guarantee that whatever choices you will make about situating the outside medical attendant won't hurt the attendant or implement biasness and particularly on social direction (Alliance for Ethical International Recruitment Practices, 2012). Partnership for Ethical International Recruitment Practices (2012). The Code. Collusion for the ethical global enrollment rehearses. Recovered from Gulam, F.L.H. (2003). â€Å"Care of the Muslim patient.† Journal of Australian Defense Health Service, 4, 81-83. Recovered from

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Polyester: History, Development and Applications

Polyester: History, Development and Applications ABSTRACT:Â Polyester is a manufactured fiber gotten from coal, air, water, and oil. Polyester strands are framed from a substance response between a corrosive and liquor, and is created in a twentieth century research center. In the arrangement of polyester response, at least two particles consolidate to make a huge atom whose structure rehashes all through its length. Polyester filaments can frame long atoms that are entirely steady and solid. Polyester has been considered to have a few favorable circumstances over customary textures, for example, cotton. One of its most significant quality is that it doesn't ingest dampness, yet absorbs oil; this quality makes polyester the ideal texture for the use of water-, soil-, and fireproof completions. Its another quality, that is, low sponginess additionally makes it normally impervious to stains. Polyester is utilized in the assembling of numerous items, including dress, home decorations, modern textures, PC and recording tapes, and electrical protection. As we come further, we would see the different employments of polyester in all the few fields, for example, garments, outfitting, and so on. Textures woven from polyester string or yarn are utilized widely in attire and home goods, from shirts and jeans to coats and caps, bed sheets, covers and upholstered furniture. Mechanical polyester strands, yarns and ropes are utilized in tire fortifications, textures for transport lines, seat straps, covered textures and plastic fortifications with high-vitality retention. Polyester fiber is utilized as padding and protecting material in cushions, sofas and upholstery cushioning. We would talk about in detail the historical backdrop of polyester, the strategy for assembling of polyester, its different uses, and its significance in our everyday life, the amount we use polyester in our existence without truly seeing that it is polyester we are utilizing. Presentation: In short we can say that polyester is a class of polymers which contain the ester useful gathering in their fundamental chain. Despite the fact that there are numerous sorts of polyester, the term polyester as a particular material most ordinarily alludes to polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Polyesters incorporate normally happening synthetic substances. Normally happening synthetic compounds incorporate that are found in nature and are not man-made, for example, in the cut in of plant fingernail skin. A case of manufactured fiber is synthetics through advance development polymerization, for example, polycarbonate and polybutyrate. By and large common polyesters and even a couple of manufactured ones are biodegradable, that is, they can separate or rot normally with no exceptional treatment, and can in this manner be discarded without causing contamination. Though then again, most manufactured polyesters, which are all the more normally utilized, are not biodegradable. Polyester is a term frequently characterized as long-chain polymers synthetically made out of in any event 85% by weight of an ester and a dihydric liquor and a terephthalic corrosive. In less difficult terms, it implies that polyester is the connecting of a few esters inside the strands. Response of liquor with carboxylic corrosive outcomes in the arrangement of esters. Polyester likewise alludes to the different polymers where the spines are framed by the esterification buildup of polyfunctional alcohols and acids. Polyester can likewise be named soaked and unsaturated polyesters. Soaked polyesters allude to that group of polyesters where the polyester spines are immersed. They are along these lines not as receptive as unsaturated polyesters. The soaked polyesters comprise of low atomic weight fluids utilized as plasticizers and as reactants in framing urethane polymers, and direct, high sub-atomic weight thermoplastics, for example, polyethylene terephthalate (Dacron and Mylar). Normal reactants for the soaked polyesters are a glycol and a corrosive or anhydride. Unsaturated polyesters allude to that group of polyesters wherein the spine comprises of alkyl thermosetting gums portrayed by vinyl unsaturation. They are for the most part utilized in strengthened plastics. These are the most generally utilized and conservative group of tars. Attributes of polyester Polyester textures and strands are incredibly solid and in this manner tough. Polyester is truly sturdy: it is impervious to most synthetic substances, extending and contracting, wrinkle safe, mold and scraped spot safe. Polyester is hydrophobic in nature, that is, these particles and fast drying. It very well may be utilized for protection by assembling empty strands. Polyesters quality to hold its shape is useful for making open air garments for cruel atmospheres. Polyester can be effectively washed and dried, without the additional strain of pressing and all since it doesn't shape wrinkles. HISTORY OF POLYESTER: Polyester got well known for Scrunch it, pull it, and wash it with no wear and wrinkles. Polyester was the texture of decision in an economy that was changing as far as speed, productivity and comfort. The material industrys answer to food industry delivering fries and coke was the creation of Polyester snappy, modest and simple. Carothers Work It was W.H.Carothers who found that alcohols and carboxyl acids could be effectively blended to make filaments. Carothers was working for DuPont at that point and tragically when he found Nylon, polyester took a secondary lounge. PET Terylene The inadequate research of Carothers had not progressed to examining the polyester shaped from blending ethylene glycol and terephthalic corrosive. Whinfield and Dickson 2 British researchers are the ones who protected PET or PETE in 1941. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) shapes the reason for engineered filaments like Dacron, Terylene and polyester. Soon thereafter, the primary polyester fiber Terylene was made by Whinfield and Dickson alongside Birtwhistle and Ritchiethey. Terylene was first made by Imperial Chemical Industries or ICI. DuPonts Role It was in 1946 that DuPont purchased every single lawful right from ICI, that is, Imperial Chemical Industries. In 1950, the Dealware property of DuPont produced another polyester fiber, which they named Dacron. Mylar was presented in 1952. Polyester was first acquainted with the American open in 1951 as the enchanted texture that required no pressing! PET and PEN are DuPont trademarks that have turned the utilization and utilization of Polyester around. Polyester Becomes Popular Ensuing to the advancement of Terylene and Dacron, Kodel was created by Eastman Chemical Products, Inc in 1958. The polyester showcase experienced fast development and material factories rose all over the place. Huge numbers of the factories were situated at little service stations and created modest polyester clothing. The cheap and solid fiber turned out to be famous and the business extended quickly till the 1970s. Tragically, the notorious twofold sew polyester picture hit the business and polyester before long came to be known as the awkward texture. The Phoenix Rises Today, polyester is to a great extent viewed as a modest texture that is somewhat awkward for touchy human skin to wear. It is likewise not favored on account of its exceptionally inflammable properties. Be that as it may, the development of extravagance filaments like polyester microfiber and different polyester mixes, the polyester business is by and by on its way to a terrific return. The Tennessee Eastman Company and the Man-Made Fiber Producers Associations (MMFPA) Polyester Fashion Council assumed a huge job in the recovery of polyester. The Tennessee Eastman Company began a YES crusade for polYESter and advanced it by means of radio and TV. The primary thought was to concentrate on the wash and go properties of polyester as opposed to sell it as a modest texture. Hoechst Fibers Industries likewise had an impact throughout the entire existence of polyester. They led different investigations from 1981 to 1983 and found that 89% of individuals couldn't recognize polyester and other regular filaments like cotton, fleece and silk. Likewise, it was discovered that individuals were progressively keen on the presence of the attire than the texture it was made of. Today, the greatest supporter of the intrigue of polyester is the disclosure of microfibers. Microfibers give polyester the vibe of silk and are quickly turning into the decision of texture. With a costly tag to coordinate, the modest picture of polyester is by all accounts on out. Heres to proclaiming another time throughout the entire existence of polyester! Assembling OF POLYESTER: Polyester Manufacturing Polyester filaments or the manufactured strands are long chain polymers which are gotten from coal, air, water, and oil. They are framed through substance response between a corrosive and liquor, which structures ester. In this response, at least two particles join to make a huge atom whose structure rehashes all through its length. These particles are entirely steady and solid. There are varieties in the structures and along these lines in the properties of polyester filaments. Sorts of Polyester PHYPERLINK yarns-strings/polyester-fiber.htmlolyester filaments are commonly accessible in two assortments PET (polyethylene terephthalate) and PCDT (poly-1, 4-cyclohexylene-dimethylene terephthalate). PET is the most widely recognized creation of polyester. It is more grounded than PCDT, while PCDT has greater flexibility and strength. Another preferred position of PET is that it tends to be utilized alone or mixed with different textures for making wrinkle free and stain safe apparel that can hold its shape. PCDT is increasingly appropriate for heavier applications. These heavier applications incorporate draperies and furniture covers. Adjustments can be presented in every one of these assortments for getting explicit properties. Crude Materials Polyester is a substance term which can be broken into poly, which means many, and ester, a fundamental natural synthetic compound. The guideline fixing utilized in the production of polyester is ethylene, which is gotten from oil. In this procedure, ethylene is the polymer, the compound structure square of polyester, and the

Sunday, July 19, 2020

How to Write Proposal Essay Outline

How to Write Proposal Essay Outline A proposal essay is one of the least frequently assigned academic papers, but one that you are likely to be assigned at least once over the years spent at college. A proposal essay differs from other papers in that it has some non-academic value: if you learn to introduce your proposals and support their feasibility with evidence and calculations, you are likely to use this skill extensively in your professional life. Even in everyday interactions, being able to lobby your proposals is a skill worth having. In this article, we’d like to go over the fundamentals of compiling the proposal essay outline, as well as provide some recommendations on writing the paper in general. What is a proposal essay? A proposal essay is exactly what it seems to be â€" a paper in which you make a proposal or offer a solution to a problem, providing information that proves that such proposal or solution are worth considering. Proposals are used quite frequently in business and economic circles, so you will do good by acquiring this skill while still at college. A proposal paper is not that different from the rest, but it does have some distinctive features to accommodate the very nature of proposal writing. Get ready for writing Before you even start outlining your paper, take some time to go over preparation steps. Know who you are writing for and what they will expect This step should not be omitted even if your audience is just the professor who assigned this paper. You know the person who will be reading your work â€" what will they expect? How will they evaluate the feasibility of your proposal? Take time to recall and note down all the possible requirements that might be set to your paper, even if they haven’t been included in the prompt. And of course, if you are writing for a business audience, it will be a much, MUCH more important step to take. Do the background research Even before you start digging deeper to justify the proposal you’re making, it is important to get to know the field and industry you are writing about. This is known as background research â€" gathering information that you need to have to decide where to dig deeper. You can try skipping this step, but it will hardly benefit you in the long run. Proposal components Generally, the proposal you are making should include a few elements: A proposal of a specific action that is designed to solve a certain problem of your audience Reasons why the problem is significant and how your proposal will help to solve it (evidence) Possible counterarguments to your proposal and their refutation In non-academic circles, a proposal can be accompanied with a cover letter that introduces such proposal to the person receiving it. Helpful tip If you are free to choose the problem that your proposal should address, try going with a relatively small issue. Global problems require more efforts and research to solve, and your college paper can accommodate only so much. Besides, the narrower you go, the more specific your solution will be. Generally, the more details your proposal paper provides, the better, so don’t get tempted with the global overpopulation issue and the like. Choosing outline for proposal essay Only general recommendations can be given here, as more specific requirements will be set by the person assigning a proposal essay or the organization accepting it. Generally, you should include the following general chapters: Introduction This chapter is designed to describe how your proposal was developed, as well as introduce the subject. Some universities may require you to keep the description of the problem to a minimum of one sentence. Others allow a more detailed description. As in many other papers, the introduction serves to underline the significance of the problem and to tell your readers why they should care at all. The attention hook should also be used to draw your readers into reading from the very first sentence. The brief description of your proposal will serve as a thesis statement to build all the other chapters on. Proposal Plan of Action In this chapter, describe your solution in maximum detail. It can be useful to include the following information: related expenditure (how much will it cost to implement what you are proposing?); responsible persons (who will have to work to implement it and who will be controlling it?); the difficulty of implementation (how many stages of implementation will there be?); the timeframe of implementation (how long will it take?); the resources required for implementation. In describing the steps to take, don’t forget to explain how they are related and how taking one measure will lead to the necessity of taking another one. Your proposal should be a cohesive set of measures, an algorithm, even if the measures might seem random at the first glance. Make sure to address possible problems that might occur on the way and specify ways to address them. It will illustrate your in-depth research of the issue at hand. Predicted Outcomes In this chapter, provide a more detailed overview of how the problem will be solved. How will the results obtained contribute into resolution exactly? Conclusion refutation of opposing points of view Sum up your proposed solution and call out other proposals, stating why yours is more effective. Do not add any new information, simply revisit the points you have already offered. Bibliography Include the works you have cited directly or those that you used for developing your proposal and cite them according to the selected style. Final Thoughts The key criteria that will be used to evaluate your proposal is how well you know the issue you are writing about. That’s why you’ll have to do extensive research on the topic. Solutions to problems that might seem to be lying on the surface must have already been offered, and if you go with one of the obvious solutions, it will prove your lack of information. When writing outline for proposal essay and then writing the first draft, be specific, dig deeper, and provide as many details as possible â€" this is the only right algorithm of writing a decent proposal paper.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

How Immigration Affects Native Born People - 1694 Words

Immigration has always been a very debated topic, with some people pointing out the opportunities different countries offer immigrants and the people on the other side of the spectrum highlighting the way immigration affects native born people. During the campaign period for the 2016 election, it was clear that candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump had different views. Clinton sought to be more â€Å"humane† and mindful when reforming immigration policies and Trump sought to quickly remove the bad â€Å"hombres† who were committing crimes and taking jobs. Recently since Trump has taken office, he made sure to be a man of his word and started deporting people, a large portion being those who have committed larger crimes and a smaller fraction†¦show more content†¦These illegal immigrants are not coming in search of a better life, but rather to cause problems and become a financial and social burden for a country that does not claim them. Illegal criminals are not only causing harm by murdering, raping, trafficking drugs, etc., but also increasing the presence of gangs and gang related crimes. This is an issue that affects the youth, as children are enticed to enter these groups and become deviant members of society, causing a further burden for the government. Articles, such as â€Å"Immigrants Do Not Increase Crime, Research Shows† reach conclusions based on â€Å"evidence† that immigration, rather than increasing crime, leads to a decrease in crime. These claims are made using numbers that are outdated, even though the article was recently posted. Rather than looking at the current state of the nation and the change in immigration and crime rates, the authors conducted research with data from the late 20th century up to 2010. Not only is the data outdated, but the claim that immigration leads to less crime seems hard to believe. The article does not include the data or any form of statistics that the reader may judge themselves, making it hard to believe that the results point to thisShow MoreRelatedImmigration: Important to the Success of America Essay908 Words   |  4 Pagesthe largest foreign-born population in the world. With nearly thirteen percent of the total population being foreign-born, one may find it hard to i magine an immigrant-free country (U.S. Bureau of the Census). Immigration has been an integral part of the United States’ overall success and the country’s economy since it was established and without it, would have never been founded at all. Although there are some negative issues associated with immigration and many native-born Americans believe toRead MoreThe Immigration Act Of 19241399 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout history, immigration has remained a complex and influential piece of presidential policy—from the Age of Mass Migration, which led to the Immigration Act of 1924, to present day policy, which may result in the construction of a border wall. The debate on immigration remains contentious, inspiring emotional and empirical arguments by politicians and the public alike. Many of these aspects are discussed and defined within Abramitzky, Boustan, and Eriksson’s paper â€Å"A Nation of Immigrants:Read MoreShould Immigration Benefit Communities ?824 Words   |  4 PagesWill immigration benefit communities? Immigration is a sensitive subject in many countries, especially in the USA presently. First, when an immigrant becomes successful this can keep those positions away from natural born citizens. This can anger people who see immigration as a problem. Second, when people are allowed to immigrate, most natural born citizens don’t know that it actually benefits them. Marshall Fitz in April 16, 2013 of The New York Times reports that â€Å"an average wage increase afterRead MoreThe Importance Of Immigrants In America1230 Words   |  5 Pagesimmigrants there’s a fear among natives that immigrants will steal their job. However, immigrants do not steal their job, instead they create them. In addition Immigrants cause economic growth and are beneficial in our nation. They also affect policy making and labor policies such as discrimination and wages. Many immigrants come to America for better opportunities and a better life for themselves and their children. Immigrants have different experiences from Native-born Americans such as moving toRead MoreImmigration Migration And The United States1529 Words   |  7 Pages Immigration/Migration Immigration and migration are two different things, defines them as â€Å"immigration means for an individual or a family to move to a new country from their country of origin with due formalities at the embassy, the word migration denotes the act of moving from one place to another - within a country or across borders, for people or birds, and usually refers not to a single individual or family but a a larger demographic.† Immigrants bring a lot of factors to the UnitedRead MoreThe Biggest Problem Facing America1445 Words   |  6 Pagesthe world. But, judging the importance of these issues is simply a matter of opinion. One can argue valid points for multiple issues as being the most important of all. In my opinion, third world immigration and the affects it has on America is the most important problem we face. Third world immigration into the United States of America has boosted poverty levels, put millions of Americans out of work, contributed to over 25 percen t of the federal prison population, and has placed a tax burden ofRead MoreImmigration Impact On The United States Economy. Introduction:1124 Words   |  5 PagesImmigration Impact on The United States Economy Introduction: The United States of America, is built on immigration much of the progress of the country is because of it. Immigration is rapidly growing, as of 2014, 13% of the United States population are immigrants (The National Academic Press). Today, there’s so much opposition to immigration for reasons that aren’t concrete. Some Americans believe, immigrants are here to cause problems and steal their jobs. They believe that there aren’t enoughRead MoreImmigration And The United States1240 Words   |  5 Pagesnations, immigration policy is still a highly controversial issue. The steady increase in the immigrant population in America enrages the natives who think the immigrants take away jobs opportunities, benefit from government benefits unfairly, increase crime and terrorism in the country, and do not integrate into mainstream social and political life which threatens to erase this country’s culture and distinctive character. However, economic theo ry predicts and academic research confirms immigration hasRead MoreThe Immigration Of The United States1184 Words   |  5 PagesS. has been a topic for many years now. American born citizens should become aware of the benefits of having immigrants in this nation because it can change a lot of prejudices between them. The U.S. Department of Agriculture states that, â€Å"about half of the hired workers employed in U.S. crop agriculture were unauthorized, with the overwhelming majority of these workers coming from Mexico.† The USDA has also warned that, â€Å"any potential immigration reform could have significant impacts on the U.SRead MoreImmigration Of The United States1440 Words   |  6 PagesImmigration Immigration happens everywhere around the world but people like to come to the U.S. because they hear about the American dream. Citizens of certain developed countries deemed politically and economically stable by the U.S. government are allowed to visit up to 90 days without obtaining a visa (What is Immigration Law). Immigration is an important factor in the development of all countries as long as it is legal. Here in the United States, immigration provides for economic, social, and

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of Hawthorne s The Birth Mark - 1305 Words

Major (Research) Essay 3: Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Birth-Mark† In this story, a husband sacrifices his wife’s life over a birthmark, which he feels to be the only thing that stands in the way of her and perfection. (46) The deficient scientist, Aylmer is very much in love with his dear wife, Georgiana. However, only a few days soon following their marriage, Aylmer takes notice of a peculiar mark which sat on the left side of Georgiana’s cheek. After discovering the birthmark, Aylmer hastily digs for ways to rid Georgiana of this defect in which he calls an, â€Å"earthly imperfection† to her beauty. Aylmer s failures arise from his confusion about spirit and matter. In 1841, Hawthorne had written to Sophia, at that time his fiancee, regarding mesmerism: . . . what delusion can be more lamentable and mischievous, than to mistake the physical and material for the spiritual? In Aylmer s delusion, he mistakes Georgiana s physical imperfection for a spirit ual one, and, in trying to cure her of her human nature, he kills her. As the story precedes, Aylmer and his servant, Aminadab conduct an experiment to relieve Georgiana of this remarkable birthmark only to discover in the end, that the mark symbolizes mortality. Alchemical references and imagery recur throughout The Birth-mark, as has been amply documented by Shannon Burns, David Van Leer and others. (36). Mary E. Rucker argues that, â€Å"Although some critics have asserted that Aylmer is a â€Å"scholar-idealist† and a â€Å"refraction of theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Birth Mark 1784 Words   |  8 Pages Nathaniel Hawthorne was seen as â€Å"a major figure in the American romantic movement† (Constantakis 1). 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Aurora Shooting Response Paper Free Essays

The article published in the New York Times July 22, 2012 by Jack Healy entitled â€Å"Suspect Bought Large Stockpile of Rounds online†, addresses an absence of laws regulating the sale of ammunition. Jack Healy is a rocky mountain correspondent for the New York Times, and has reported on the war in Iraq from Baghdad. Healy’s article elicits good emotional engagement with the reader, but it is fundamentally lacking sound logical arguments and ethical credibility. We will write a custom essay sample on Aurora Shooting Response Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Aurora shooting suspect James Holmes purchased a 6,000 rounds of ammunition prior to the shooting in Aurora Colorado. Holmes purchased bullet ¬Ã‚ ¬proof vests and a high capacity 100 round drum magazine. Holmes was a college graduate with a clean criminal background. Holmes was legally able to purchase firearms and ammunition in Colorado and nationwide. States such as Illinois, Massachusetts, and New Jersey, and several cities have laws regarding the sales of ammunition. These laws include licensing, permits and requiring gun stores to keep records of ammunition purchased. According to Healy, Holmes used a black commando style outfit as well as other tactical gear during shooting. Police apprehended him outside the theater still wearing the bulletproof vest, and carrying four handguns. Healy argued how Gun-control groups said the purchases of the ammunition demonstrated how easily anyone could build a veritable arsenal without attracting attention from law-enforcement officials. Healy quotes Tom Mauser, a gun-control advocate, to exemplify this point, â€Å"it’s a wide open marketplace† Healy states that ammunition and arms websites are prolific online, and buyers can purchase almost anything firearm related including ammunition. Healy quotes Gov. John W. Hickenlooper of Colorado, a Democrat, â€Å"that the killer might have built a bomb or found some other lethal device if no assault weapons had been around. Healy concludes the article with a quote from Dudley Brown, the executive director of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners saying â€Å"I call 6,000 round of ammunition running low. † I think that the article by Jack Healy was reasonably well written, and it was emotionally engaging for the reader. The logos of the article is fundamentally flawed due to the lack of logically sound and accurate conclusions. Finally the article loses its’ ethical integrity when the authors bias becomes apparent to the reader. Healy’s article contains bias for the regulation of ammunition sales, as well as confusing terminology. The article contains contradictory and inaccurate facts, and quotes selected for emotional impact rather than relevance and purpose. First I will address some of the logical contradictions in the article. Healy said â€Å"Unhindered by federal background checks or government oversight, the 24-year-old man†¦ was able to build †¦ a 6,000-round arsenal legally and easily over the Internet, exploiting what critics call a virtual absence of any laws regulating ammunition sales† In this quote Healy leads the reader to believe that there are no laws, and no regulation regarding ammunition sales. Later in the article Healy admits there are laws restricting ammunition sales in Illinois, Massachusetts, and New Jersey as well as cities like Los Angeles and Sacramento. Healy contradicts his earlier point by highlighting the states that do have laws regarding the sales of ammunition. This contradiction leaves the reader not knowing which conclusion is valid. The second flaw in the articles logic is the argument that the sale of ammunition is unregulated, and without government oversight. This main theme that is present throughout the article is technically inaccurate. According to smartgunlaws. org, a nonprofit gun law education website, thirty-two states have laws regulating unreasonably dangerous ammunition, this is over half of the states. Sixteen states have laws regarding age restrictions and the purchase of ammunition. According to Smartgunslaws. org the majority of states have laws concerning ammunition purchases, laws concerning purchase of dangerous ammunition, (such as armor piercing), laws concerning minimum age of purchase, or laws concerning the ability of convicted felons to purchase ammunition. One of the other major flaws of this article is Healy’s illogical use of quotes. Here is one of instances where Healy uses a quote and does not acknowledge or clarify the quote: â€Å"It is a war tool,† Representative Carolyn McCarthy, Democrat of New York, said of the 100-round drum that the police say Mr. Holmes purchased online. â€Å"They’re meant to kill. They’re meant to kill as many people in as short a period of time. † Ms. McCarthy’s husband was among six people killed in 1993 by a gunman on a commuter train Before this quote Healy was talking about a failed 1999 gun control bill. After the quote Healy continued to talk about the legislation. Healy stated both republicans and democrats had doubts about the effectiveness of the proposed legislation. The technical execution of the quote interrupted the flow of the paragraph. The quote did not fit in the paragraph in a logical manor. Healy’s quote was deliberately spliced into the article to provide sensationalism needed to make it newsworthy. Healy used the quote to provide a more interesting article, and to appeal to the emotion of the reader. The ethical appeal of the article is compromised by Healy predominately presenting evidence supporting increased gun and ammunition regulation. The article is twenty-seven paragraphs long; twenty ¬Ã‚ ¬-five of them are either neutral or support increased regulation of guns and ammunition. Two of the paragraphs expressed opinions opposing an increase in gun and ammunition regulation. By not equally addressing both sides of the issue equally, Healy loses credibility with readers who oppose increasing the regulation of guns and ammunition. Healy does acknowledge the opinion of gun groups with a vague quote, â€Å"To gun groups, such an unfettered marketplace stands as a bulwark of their Second Amendment rights† This is the only place in the article that Healy acknowledges this viewpoint. This quote is not substantial enough to gain the ethical appeal lost earlier in the article. One of the positive attributes of Healy’s article is his emotional appeal to the reader. Healy uses graphic quotes and vivid imagery to provoke emotional response, and connection to the reader. Healy takes the reader on an emotional roller coaster throughout the article encompassing all types of emotions. Consider the following quote by Healy: Three weeks after the purchase, stunned and bleeding witnesses outside the century 16 multiplex in aurora would describe how a man dressed in a black commando-style outfit and a gas mask strode into the where they were watching a midnight screening of â€Å"The Dark Knight rises,† tossed some gas-spewing grenades into the packed auditorium and opened fire. In this sentence by Healy uses extremely graphic imagery to create an appeal to pathos in the article. Sentences like the one above are mixed in throughout the article along with facts about ammunition laws, and quotes. Healy uses emotion to keep the audience reading, throughout the article. Healy’s appeal to pathos is strong and well-constructed throughout the article. How to cite Aurora Shooting Response Paper, Papers

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Nila Dhungana free essay sample

Forrest shows the way of solving the problem in a simplest ways, and how we would go about solving them if the Universe was on our side. Forrest has got so many nice qualities to separate him from other but he has got main 3 good character which is different from other human and they are. Impassion , Honesty, integrity, It shows if rest of people has got these here main qualities as Gums had then life would be easier to live and happier to spend our life and let the problems go way in a easiest way. Even making it easier to find true happiness. We cannot find honesty in every person but Forrest has god that special character in him. When he was in the army he has got one best friend named Bubby and he made a promise to enter the Scrimping business with Bubby.Despite the death of Bubby, Forrest still went on to support his best friends family, and he started a business of shrimp of his own. We will write a custom essay sample on Nila Dhungana or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (Forrest Gums). If we were on his place then we would be so down and low by the death of our own est. friend and we wouldnt be able to find such strength to carry on their promises and start a new life again. But Due to his strong character he has been able to do so. Forrest was such a strong, caring and honest person, he carried out his promise in the toughest of times.Most people dream to have integrity inside them, but Forrest has such unique personality. For example, running is a trademark of Forrest, he always runs to get out of a difficult situation. Even if being chased by a car, an entire football team, Forrest used his integrity to pull himself out of tough circumstances. Without having an idea of his doings Forrest reaches the most renowned people of that time and helps them for examples: He gets in the football league, gets a chance to serve the army in Vietnam and coaches Elvis Presley how to dance.He meets with John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. He gives ideas at antiwar rally in Washington and becomes a table tennis champion by defeating the Chinese team. He meets and lives with the hippies and Richard Nixon. He becomes a successful business man by selling shrimps and buys shares of Apple Computers. Despite, the disabilities Forrest never got scourged by the situations in his life. He looked up to life and never gave up in the hardest situations.Forrest Gums charged up many people over many years because it shows if you are naturally disabled or not good at something, it is not the end of the world, it can be achieved through self, commitment and dedication which Forrest has shown throughout the movie. Were any of these tasks easy? No. So why did Forrest do them? Because He was honest and keeping his promise means a lot to him so he did all these difficult task just to keep his promises which was done to Bubby.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Free Essays on Treasure Island

Treasure Island Contrast and Compare Essay In this essay I will be contrasting and comparing the two films we saw in class. The Muppet Treasure Island, and the Original Treasure Island. For the most part the two films were almost similar. However they had key differences worth writing about. In the Muppet Treasure Island version we are taken into the bar scene, and are shown Billy Bones, and Jim Hawkins; and of course the Muppets, Gonzo, and the mouse. They then need a ship to go on the treasure hunt. Jim Hawkins and the Muppets then visit a ship builder who provides the ship and their off. At the beginning of the voyage we are shown the captain, who other then Kermit the frog who plays Capitan Abraham Smallit. Also included is the first mate Mr. Arrow. In both film versions the names are the same. As for long john silver during the Muppet version they meet him on the ship with all of his crew men for the voyage. On the Original version of the film they meet with him in the little old tavern. They have no clue who he really is but are very suspicious. Jim remembers what Bill Bones told him about to beware of the man with 1 leg. During the voyage of the ship on the Muppet version Mr. Arrow sees land and decides to go about and discover it. He hops into a life boat and is off. John Silver then tells everyone that Arrow has gone over board and everyone believes that Arrow is dead. In the original version John Silver makes a rum cake and loads it with alcohol. He then offers it to Mr. Arrow. Arrow is very tempted to it since rum has been rationed on the ship. Arrow eats it, and washed it down with what else, more booze. When Arrow is done eating it he is drunk. It couldn’t have been at a worse time either. Since there was a bad storm and everyone was up top tending to rope, the sail etc. Arrow goes up top and is then thrown overboard since he can’t even walk in a straight line. The crew has a service to remember Arrow and ... Free Essays on Treasure Island Free Essays on Treasure Island Treasure Island Contrast and Compare Essay In this essay I will be contrasting and comparing the two films we saw in class. The Muppet Treasure Island, and the Original Treasure Island. For the most part the two films were almost similar. However they had key differences worth writing about. In the Muppet Treasure Island version we are taken into the bar scene, and are shown Billy Bones, and Jim Hawkins; and of course the Muppets, Gonzo, and the mouse. They then need a ship to go on the treasure hunt. Jim Hawkins and the Muppets then visit a ship builder who provides the ship and their off. At the beginning of the voyage we are shown the captain, who other then Kermit the frog who plays Capitan Abraham Smallit. Also included is the first mate Mr. Arrow. In both film versions the names are the same. As for long john silver during the Muppet version they meet him on the ship with all of his crew men for the voyage. On the Original version of the film they meet with him in the little old tavern. They have no clue who he really is but are very suspicious. Jim remembers what Bill Bones told him about to beware of the man with 1 leg. During the voyage of the ship on the Muppet version Mr. Arrow sees land and decides to go about and discover it. He hops into a life boat and is off. John Silver then tells everyone that Arrow has gone over board and everyone believes that Arrow is dead. In the original version John Silver makes a rum cake and loads it with alcohol. He then offers it to Mr. Arrow. Arrow is very tempted to it since rum has been rationed on the ship. Arrow eats it, and washed it down with what else, more booze. When Arrow is done eating it he is drunk. It couldn’t have been at a worse time either. Since there was a bad storm and everyone was up top tending to rope, the sail etc. Arrow goes up top and is then thrown overboard since he can’t even walk in a straight line. The crew has a service to remember Arrow and ... Free Essays on Treasure Island Treasure Island is an epic adventure: a tale of pirates, treasure, and exploration of an unknown and mysterious island. Throughout the course of the book, many lessons are learned that give the reader advice so he/she can better survive in the real world. The literal Treasure Island itself represents the world in which we live, a world with many hazards and scattered rewards to be found. The bookà ­s most important lesson to be learned though, is that a solid command of the language and knowing when to use it can make life much easier for a person. Although this story takes place centuries before our time now, this useful lesson found in it can still be applied to our lives today. This story is so realistic in its context of the time and its superb character dialogues, that it is very easy for the reader to be transported right in the middle of that age, and right in the company of sea-faring pirates. The authorà ­s vivid descriptions of Jim, the main character and narrator, the many Pirates and other characters he comes across during his adventures are painstakingly detailed. You can see young Jim's eager and excited face when he finds out he is going on a treasure hunt. You can also easily picture the rips and bloodstained rags of the pirates, and smell the foul alcohol on their breaths. The description of the island itself is extremely detailed also, and it seems like the author was looking straight off a geographical map when he wrote the in-depth account of it. However deep these descriptions of setting and character pull you into the plot, the dialogue the author places in the story is what makes the story more impressive and impossible to escape. It is so captivating and original to us because we hardly ever hear it, and the phrases are very creative. An example is this quote from Long John Silver: " But for two year before that, shiver my timbers! the man was starving. He begged, and he stole, and he ...

Monday, March 2, 2020

Essay on Solar Energy

Essay on Solar Energy Essay on Solar Energy Economical feasibility of large-scale solar energy collection Results and Discussion Table 1, (Appendix) displays middle ground estimation of PV and cost production for the 10kW system of PV in dollars. The data can be a representation of large system of residential or a minute commercial system. The required calculations were scaled down and up having a number of adjustments for the scale of economies that are linked to the larger systems installation. In this regard, the basic costs include installation, inverters replacement. The costs are observed to have a decreasing trend, and they flatten temporarily. For instance, $80,000 figure installation is a representation considered being fair, and optimistic. In this case, a typical system of residential would have $8 in every watt. There is a possibility of declining costs with time. The key issues that are linked to the analysis of cost include the panel’s lifetime and the required, discount rate for the project evaluation. Different types of panels normally have warranties that are limited for a minimal of 20 years or longer (Nemet 6) The data presented assumed a 25 year calculation of lifetime. Such a timeframe leads to the extending of life to about 30 years ad the cost of every kWh would be smaller as a result of discounting. Table identifies a range of actual interest rates. A number of industries have suggested that a high rate is extremely reflective of the different rates of interest that are normally faced by a variety of buyers. The values are always higher than the social discount real rate for which an individual could apply to the analysis of the public policy. In this respect, an interest that is lower could be the most relevant. In table 1, the given low rates of interest rates are relatively lower hence appropriate in the evaluation of the rate of the social discount, and the two high ones are relevant on evaluating the opportunity of the market capital cost. The results displayed also show out that, after installation, the high cost that the PV solar system owner would face involves replacing the inverter (Barbose, Darghouth and Wiser 3). A research conducted in this field reported that the mean time to time failure estimation in inverters is approximately 10 years. Assuming an approximation of 8 years means that such an inverter will require replacement at least two times within the duration of 25 years life panel. This replacement, according to the results in table1 would occur in the 8th and the 16th year. The cost for an inverter having the 10kW system has a range of $8000, which has a huge possibility of declining with time. Additionally, the costs of inverters are considered to decline in intervals of 2% each year in actual terms that are consistent with the Navigant consulting study for energy renewal. The displayed discounts and costs are normally combined to give out a present cost for the PV system. Additionally, table 1 displa ys the data for simultaneous cases, including the price cap Psim, ad the PsimH, which is high volatility of price (LBBW 4). The highest and lowest valuation are displayed in the results that are simultaneous. The PsimL results are always in the range that is displayed. The ISO prices results having no augmentation for when the binding price caps occurred are similar to the PsimH values (Barbose Darghouth and Wiser, 6). Other different studies conducted on the PV production in a lifetime panel reported two TRNSYS simulation adjustments behind table 1, whenever the evaluation of the solar production of the PV is for a life time. The aging effect is considered being one of the factors affecting the production of the PV solar. In this case, the PV production reduces in a given time having the best estimation ranging from 1% of the original potential per year. Soil effect is another factor that affects the PV cell production. The panels are known to absorb minimal solar radiation hence give out minimal electricity. The effect of soil on, the PV cells, relies on the idiosyncratic factors like the density and the amount of rainfall and on endogenous traits like the effort of maintenance. The data presented in table 1 displays the effect of aging but not for the soiling. The production of electricity from the PV solar is not equal to the equal production in the current world. Whenever the electricity real cost remained constant, the real interest rate that is positive would cause electricity production failure with low present value. Increasing the electricity cost for a given time would increase the present production. Obtaining the knowledge of the reducing trend of the solar PV costs is vital in the formulation of the policy due to the irreversible durable nature of that specific investment. Whenever the costs of the PV reduce rapidly due to reasons like the policy of subsidy, the investment delay would be observed in many companies. If the decline is only 2015 in every year, there would be an increased amount of renewable energy (Mints 5). Table 2 (appendix) present the translated figures of table 1 for the benefits and costs that are leveled. At a three percent real annual interest, column 2 shows out the net cost of the PV solar installation that is similar to the purchase of the MWh for the panels life at a real price that is constant Conclusion A deep analysis of the non market and market traits are key in understanding the benefits and costs for the PV solar power. From this study, a method used in analyzing the value of the market for the PV solar power was displayed. The presented method produced a minimal amount of outputs whenever the weather was sunny, and the demand of the system was relatively high. The application of this method suggested that account for the electricity production that is time varying in the solar panel may increase the output value substantially. The utility of the real-time prices allows the alteration of value from 0% to 20%. Using the simulated model prices will make sure that the peak capacity of the gas takes care of the fixed costs through the increased prices of energy, which makes the real time values to increase (Bloomberg 6). In a wholesaler market of electricity, the simulation is normally substantially low in volatility. This study took into consideration the time-varying savings for the lie losses especially when the production of the power is on a larger site. The study, however, fails to account for the potential savings from a reduced requirement of distribution and transmission capacity. A different analysis of such factors would indicate their possibility of amounting to percentage PV solar valuation points that are higher than two. Actually buying custom essays from can be your best solution to have your paper written by experts. We provide professional essay writing help on any topic.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Economy - Essay Example tanding of how the economy is utilizing scarce resources, economists delve into classifications of GDP and its effects on the several forms of spending occurring in the country. The GDP is divided into four main components. These include consumption, investment, government purchases and net exports. All these components when added together equal the GDP. The relationship between GDP and its four components can be expressed in the form of an equation as follows: This equation represents an identity (Mankiw 208). This means that the variables of the equation are going to decide on the validity of the equation. In the equation, all sorts of expenditure that is done in the country are classified into either of the components of the GDP. The largest part of the GDP is consumption purchases and constituted 70% of the GDP in the US in 2007 (Mankiw 211). They entail the expenditure of the household on consumer goods and services in a particular period. Consumption purchases entail a flow concept (Gwartney et al. 153). The services and goods that the consumers opt for are mostly nondurable in nature. Expenditures done on food, clothing, entertainment and medical services are part of consumption purchases. These products are not very long-lasting and are used up in a short span of time. On the other hand, durable products such as cars form only one-ninth of the total consumption purchases and are used up over a long period of time. Investment entails the production of capital goods that are going to cause a flow of future services. They are not consumed over a short period of time and include the investments of companies into machineries and equipments as well as houses. Gross private investment can be carried out for the purpose of replacing old machinery or for adding net additions to the existing pool of capital assets (Gwartney et al. 153). Net investment is crucial in knowing the future scope of productivity of the economy. In 2007, they equaled to 15% of the GDP in

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Econimics course work Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Econimics course work - Coursework Example This puts high power incentives as a risky means of having things done in an organization. If the management system is not strong and if means of monitoring and evaluation is not keen, then employees could use dubious means to have their goals realized. This could put an organization in the edge of losing its face and reputation. Applying high power incentives also has a tendency of narrowing the capacity of employees (Campbell, 76). They would largely concentrate on one endeavor wherein there is a promise; while at the same time neglecting other areas that may not be of great urgency but of equal priority. This may also lead to an extensive malfunction of other departmental organizations and functionalities. These make high power incentives not appropriate for motivating employees. Various tasks are best performed by contract. These include such tasks that need external audit that internal employees should not do. Also tasks that require expertise attention that may not be found wit hin the organization warrants a contract. Tasks, which may expose the secrets of the organization, are good if they are contracted unless under examined ethical conditions. Internal employees best do such tasks. 2. Issues related to the organization of the firm (Contract between Asphalt Acres and Auto Engineering Company) The main purpose of a contract is formalizing an agreement between parties. The agreement has to be mutually agreed upon and legally consented to. Contract often encompasses a wider range of things; in this case, the use of a property, pricing of items and facility, open knowledge of any due charges. The contract relationship, terms of dispute settlement, and terms and conditions underlying work for hire have to be made clear. Since the pricing of the property and any other charges underlying the contract has to be made by Asphalt Acres, it would be proper for the Auto Engineering Company ensure that they evaluate these terms if they are commensurate to the profita bility of the whole project. It is also important to determine the cost of other options available lest they run the risk of being exploited. All issues in a contract have to be made clear, all the hidden chares may interfere with the relationship of the contract, and therefore the Auto Engineering Company should not accept any vagueness related to the issues of the contract. All charges have to be made clear to avoid any conflict. Additionally, to avoid any conflict of interest, the relationship, and the management of the field has to be made clear. The offer has to be of value and of great benefit to both parties. They also have to determine their terms of management and clearly determine the roles of each company in the field to avoid any confusion that may arise. 4. Transfer Prices Transfer of pricing refers to the analysis, charge adjustment, and price setting made between Parties of related interest trading on goods and services. Price transfer is an important determinant of h ow the prices and interests are accrued between the parties. The transfer of pricing also determines the rate of taxes. Allocation of resources is also determined by the determined by the existing prices among the components. Price transfer is important for the tax administrators and taxpayers due to their importance in determining the income, expenses,

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre as a Coming of Age Story Essay -- Jane Ey

Jane Eyre as a Coming of Age Story   Charlotte Bronte's classic, Jane Eyre, is a "coming of age" story. The main character, Jane, travels from the innocence of childhood through the maturity of adulthood. During this journey, Jane goes through the battle of education vs. containment, where she attempts to learn about herself and about the world. She must constantly battle a containment of sorts, however, whether it be a true physical containment or a mental one. This battle of education vs. containment can be seen by following Jane through her different places of residence, including Gateshead Hall, Lowood Institution, Thornfield, Moor House and Morton, and Ferndean Manor, where she is, finally, fully educated and escapes the feeling of containment which she held throughout the novel. The story begins as Jane lives with the Reed family in their home at Gateshead Hall. Here, the theme of education vs. containment develops immediately, as Jane is kept confined indoors on a cold winter day. The other children (Eliza, John, and Giorgiana) are "clustered round their mamma in the drawing-room" (Bronte: 39) being educated, as Jane had been excluded from the group. Jane tries to educate herself by reading from Berwick's History of British Birds, but once again, she is held back from her attempt at enlightenment by the abuse of John Reed, who castigates her and throws the heavy book at her. In anger, Jane cries out, "You are like a murderer - you are like a slave-driver - you are like the Roman emperors" (Bronte: 43). In this passage, Jane compares John Reed to a slave-driver because, like a slave-driver, he deprives Jane of her attempt at education and keeps her suppressed. Afterwards, Jane is blamed for the entire incident and... ...ome of the modern woman, as she manages a perfect balance between both, the spiritual and the physical, which is what she really wanted in life. Works Cited and Consulted Beaty, Jerome. Misreading Jane Eyre. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1996. Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1991 Bronte, Charlotte. "Charlotte Bronte's Letters". New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1971. Dowta, Dr. Allyson. Women and the Written Word. Trenton: Prentice Hall, 1992. Fraser, Rebecca. The Brontes. 1st ed. New York:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Crown Publishers, 1988.    Gates, Barbara Timm, ed. Critical Essays on Charlotte Bronte. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1990.    Jane Eyre. Dir. Franco Zeffirelli. Perf. William Hurt, Charlotte Gainsborough, and Anna Paquin. 1996    Jane Eyre. Dir. Julian Aymes. Perf. Timothy Dalton, Zelah Clarke. 1983   

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Police Corruption Essay

Every police agency throughout the United States has its own patrol division. The patrol division is often over looked and underrated. In almost every agency, this division is the face of the Police Department. Despite the important role that patrol officer’s play, the role often may be viewed as a low-status area of policing. It is usually the largest section of an agency; however, it receives the most agency funds. The patrol division responds to calls, provides services to the community, and helps to prevent crime. It is a physically and mentally demanding job, in which involves all facets of the policing role (Grant and Terry, 2011). Due to its demanding attention, Patrol Officers respond to a numerous of variety calls. These calls include homicides, rapes, and domestic disputes. An officer may at times be plagued with quick judgment calls, which may affect him in the long run. Community patrolling addresses the community concerns at the grassroots patrol level. As departments grow, they set realistic goals and continue to develop community partnerships. Unfortunately, one will often see patrol officers make bad judgment calls, in which can lead to misconduct issues. Criminal acts under color of law include acts within the bounds or limits of lawful authority. This includes acts beyond the bounds of lawful authority. There has been an increase in police corruption issues, misconduct, and brutality incidents within the last year. Everything from the range of using technology for bad selection in newly hired officers has led to this problem. Off-duty conduct may also be covered under color of law only if the perpetrator asserted official status in some manner. Due to these types of issues, one will sometimes hear the Police Department needs to be policed. A number of researchers have examined the use of force. For example, there are debates for the usefulness of force continuums among law enforcement agencies. As a police officer, I have encountered calls, in which witnesses have question my actions and even accused me of police brutality. I once responded to a call of a possible burglary in progress. Upon my arrival, I located a Hispanic male, in his late twenties, attempting to remove a window screen. When he observed my uniform and noticed who I was, he ran away from me while holding a sharp flat headed screw driver in his right hand. As he climbed over a brick wall, separating the building, I observed he tossed the screw driver and he appeared to reach for a second unknown object. As I climbed over the wall myself, I reached for my taser gun and deployed it. I struck him along the side of his torso and he went down like rain drops on cement. As I subdued him and placed handcuffs on him, I could hear people gathering around saying, â€Å"that Officer did not need to taser him, and this is police brutality. † I knew that because of the wall blocking the civilians view, most of the witnesses had not seen what had occurred on the other side of the wall. Using quick judgment and proper use of force will always be questioned by the community. Unfortunately, not all patrol officers practice good judgment as you may have heard about the Fullerton Police Department relating to the incident with Kelly Thomas. Kelly Thomas, born on April 5, 1974 and died on July 10, 2011, was a homeless man diagnosed with schizophrenia. He lived on the streets of Fullerton, California where Thomas died five days after an altercation with members of the Fullerton Police Department on July 5, 2011. After paramedics treated the officers first for their minor injuries, Thomas was taken to St. Jude Medical Center before being transferred to the UC Irvine Medical Center, where he was comatose on arrival and not expected to recover. Medical records show that bones in his face were broken and he had choked on his own blood (Sewell and Winton, 2011). A judge declined to dismiss the charges against the officers in January 2013, finding that â€Å"a reasonable person could infer that the use of force was excessive and unreasonable. An appeals court judge also denied a request to overturn the lower court’s decision. Manuel Ramos, one of the Fullerton Police Officers, was charged with one count of second-degree murder and one count of involuntary manslaughter. Corporal Jay Cicinelli and Officer Joseph Wolfe were also each charged with one count of felony involuntary manslaughter and one count of excessive force. I was not at the incident; therefore, I cannot judge my colleagues in the actions that were taken on their behalf. However, it is difficult for me to think that any human being deserved this type of force used against him. When dealing with a combative subject I use the only the amount of force needed to make the subject comply. I do not feel that when dealing with a mentally ill transient, the use of strikes to the head and face are needed. As much as I hate to see my colleagues in this position, I feel that this is the closest we will get to justice. Thomas will not return from the dead and someone needs to be punished for the mistakes made that day. Another case I would like to discuss is the Huntington Beach Police Detective, who was accused of corruption. A veteran Huntington Beach police officer was once assigned to a federal anti-drug task force. He was arrested on charges that he conspired with others to distribute large quantities of cocaine and marijuana. Sergeant Alvaro Murillo, who was also known as â€Å"The Godfather† by his cohorts, was accused of using his job as a police officer to recruit informants in the drug world. After this, he would then use them to help him steal narcotics from dealers (Glover, 2008). Unfortunately, we are going to have officers who abuse their authority. It kind of makes me embarrassed to be associated with this type of behavior. As a rookie officer, I was employed by the City of Huntington Beach. I patrolled the streets of Huntington Beach with my Field Training Officer (FTO) where I remembered one incident when he drove me to a house, which had been raided on a drug related warrant search. I observed evidence, which included United States currency, guns, cocaine, crystal methamphetamine, and other drug relating to paraphernalia lying on the living room floor. It is disgusting to see a man fall to temptation, even worse, to see a fellow officer taint our profession by performing such a disgusting act. However, this profession, just like all other professions, is conducted by human beings and human beings make mistakes. A key factor in being a good police officer is using good discretion and having integrity. Sergeant Murillo was sentenced to prison to do time for his action. I agree with this punishment, no matter how bad temptation is. As Police Officers, we are held to a higher expectation. If one is tempted by the minor temptations in life and needs to corrupt one’s police department to reach financial gain, then the individual has no business in this profession. As a rookie officer, I remember an old Sergeant briefing the patrol division at 0500 hours. The last words of his briefing were, â€Å"be safe and do the lords work. † By being associated with police corruption, misconduct, and excessive force, one is working with the evil forces of nature in which where one swore to protect against the negative influences. By staying away from those immature acts, it has made me a better officer and an overall better human being.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Perception of Listening Essay - 1959 Words

The Perception of Listening Listen up! Are people really listening? What is listening and why is it important? This paper will address the viewpoint of listening skills and its outcome. Listening is an essential tool, which is one of the constructive aspects in the communication process, for communicating with other people. To listen well is a talent that is learned. However, for people to listen effectively, they would need to practice to obtain the skill. †As with any new skill, learning to listen takes effort, attention, and practice† (Stewart, 2006, p. 202).Listening skills allow people to make sense of and understand what another person is saying. In other words, listening skills allow people to identify with the meaning of what†¦show more content†¦Although developing listening skills is a matter of choice, it is imperative everyone accomplish effective listening habits to avoid misunderstanding in all relationships. The first aspect of listening is to learn how to listen effectively. In today’s society, communicating appropriately has everything to do with listening effectively. Learning to be a good listener will help improve all relationships both professionally and personally. If people do not know how to listen well, they can easily be distracted and their mind will start to wander. Since listening plays an essential role in the communication process, developing listening skills are important because they will help interpret what the speaker is saying during feedback. In other words, the listener should be able to respond to what the speaker talked about for clarification purposes. There are three types of listening strategies that would be beneficial to ensure effective communication with other people. Hybels and Weaver (2007) state that â€Å"active listening, critical listening, and empathic listening are three different tactics that can be used in diverse situations† (p. 92). For instance, critical listeners focal point is to listen with determination and an open mind. They need to recognize and expect to learn something new from the speaker and ask questions about their viewpoints, such as an election. Critical listeners analyze the statement ofShow MoreRelatedThe Perception of Listening1162 Words   |  5 PagesThe Perception of Listening Listen up! Are you really listening? What is listening and why is it important? This paper will address the viewpoint of listening skills and its outcome. Listening is an essential tool, which is one of the constructive aspects in the communication process, for communicating with other people. To listen well is a talent that is learned. However, for people to listen effectively, they would need to practice to obtain the skill. †As with any new skill, learning to listenRead MoreThe Perception of Listening Essay1756 Words   |  8 PagesThe Perception of Listening Listen up! Are you really listening? What is Listening and why is it important? This paper will address the viewpoint of listening skills and its outcome. Listening is an essential tool, which is one of the constructive aspects in the communication process, for communicating with other people. To listen well is a talent that is learned. However, for people to listen effectively, they would need to practice to obtain the skill. †As with any new skill, learning to listenRead MoreThe Perception of Listening Essay1135 Words   |  5 PagesThe Perception of Listening Listen up! Are you really listening? What is listening and why is it important? This paper will address the viewpoint of listening skills and its outcome. Listening is an essential tool, which is one of the constructive aspects in the communication process, for communicating with other people. To listen well is a talent that is learned. However, for people to listen effectively, they would need to practice to obtain the skill. †As with any new skill, learning to listenRead MoreThe Perception of Listening Essay examples1399 Words   |  6 Pages What is Listening and why is it important? This paper will address the viewpoint of listening skills and its outcome. Listening is an essential tool, which is one of the constructive aspects in the communication process, for communicating with other people. To listen well is a knack that is learned. However, for people to listen effectively, they would need to practice to obtain the skill. †As with any new skill, learning to lis ten takes effort, attention, and practice† (Stewart, 2006, p. 202)Read MoreEssay about The Perception of Listening 1168 Words   |  5 PagesListen up! Are you really listening? What is listening and why is it important? This paper will address the viewpoint of listening skills and its outcome. 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